All I Want for Christmas Is For You To Think About Your Wine Gifts
And Hanukkah. And Winter Solstice. And Kwanzaa.
Excuse me. The song is called “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow,” not “Let it rain for 37 hours straight so my dog doesn’t want to go outside.”
Anyway. Thought I’d take a break from disassembling my old TV for a delivery on Friday (it’s finally crapped out after 8 years) and drying wet hair (mine and my compadre’s) (not with the same towel, that would not be nice), and talk about wine gifting!
I’ve gotten a lot of cabernet sauvignon as gifts over the years. Why? Mostly because it’s one of the most familiar wine grapes in the world, people know I like wine, so they grab something they’re comfortable with. Which, if I liked cabernet sauvignon, would be delightful.
If you’d like to try stepping up your gift-giving game a bit, I’m afraid I have to tell you that you’re going to need to put in a little effort. Here are some ideas to spur your list-making.
What’s their favorite cuisine? If they love Italian food, Italian wine is a great bet. A nice Tuscan red is a good safe option.
Where do they like to go on vacation/want to go on vacation? Are they still misty-eyed over a trip to France they did years ago? Do they yearn to travel to Australia? Easy peasy.
Silly question: have they told you what their favorite is? Constant Reader and good buddy K.’s favorite grape is pinot noir. Preferably American. I’ve got a couple Oregon and coastal California bottles in my cellar with his name on them if he ever finishes this project and gets his butt to my house. No pressure, big daddy.
Do they tend to like the tried & true, or zig when everyone else is zagging? In these cases, cab sauv might be well received! Or if you’re shopping for someone who enjoys trying new regions and new grapes (ahem!), ask for something unusual.
As a wine nerd, I can tell you, I can always use some nice glasses, or things to clean my glasses with. I have all the wine glass charms I will need for a lifetime, but I have a set of markers you can write on your glasses with, They wipe right off with a damp cloth and no more having to remember did you have the panda or the petunia?
Another thing I like to give, especially for milestones like the first holiday in a new home, is champagne. It doesn’t seem to be something people buy themselves very often. And don’t worry, there are plenty of good bubbles that won’t break your bank. If your budget doesn’t extend to champagne, remember that crémants are an even better value and taste just as great.
And hey, nothing says you have to pick just one wine to give. Try a tasting set from somewhere like In Good Taste, with a curated “playlist” of samples set around a theme. It’s great for anyone from the newly minted wine explorer to the connoisseur looking to expand their knowledge.
You can do this. I have absolute faith in you. And if you have questions or concerns, drop ‘em in the comments and let’s talk about it!
And Happy Hanukkah to my readers celebrating this weekend!