Better Late Than Never
It’s 8:30 a.m. ET on Christmas Eve Eve, and I have only just now put the lights on the Christmas tree, which has been sitting naked in my living room for almost two weeks. And mostly I did it so I could take this picture.
Although now, I’m less embarrassed that I haven’t met some holiday timetable that everyone else (whoever everyone all are) seem to be on, than delightef that I actually got Johnny to sit close to where I wanted him!
I guess this picture really sums up 2022. It’s been a year of big changes — new dog, new job, figuring out my stuff —which have all been positive, but also require new habits, killing off old ones, and deciding which can go and which can stay.
Some of my favorite things to write this year have actually been where wine has been an added bonus, like when I got two of my favorite humans together in real life for the first time and we toasted the occasion.
I took a break from wine reviews and looked around to find wine news we could use.
I expanded my drinking horizons a little.
And I paired wines with movies instead of meals.
Thanks for following along on all these little tangents. This is my last post of the year, and Johnny and I wish those of you celebrating a very merry Christmas. Have a safe New Year.