Rejoice with me, Constant Readers!
After being teased by a cold snap a couple of weeks ago which then turned into another summer, we are at long by God last in fireplace weather!
Ahhhhh, my aromatherapy.
My colleague is very excited about this as well.
Time for a nice big red to enjoy along with the crackles and pops. How about some 2019 WIlliam Heritage Cabernet Franc?
Cabernet franc originally hails from the Bordeaux region in France, but also is grown in Italy, California, New York, and New Jersey. It does well in a wide variety of climates. DNA testing has proven it’s the parent grape of such notables as cabernet sauvignon, merlot, and Chilean carménère.
Cabernet franc in the cool climate of New Jersey yields wines with high acidity and lower tannins. It’s got a pretty garnet color. I get a little dark cranberry on the nose and some herbal notes. On the palate there’s unripe red fruit and a little of that bell pepper note cab franc is famous for. There’s a ton of food this would pair with: pizza, marinara sauce, eggplant parm, roast chicken, mushrooms. Sky’s the limit!
If you need me, Johnny and I will be snugged up by the fireplace for the next 4, 5 months. If the year has to be nearly over, at least it’s the right temperatures. Let me know what you’re enjoying by the fire by leaving a comment below!